It was not until the late 1800’s that the first theory of evolution was presented in any serious way. Charles Darwin, while ignoring contrary evidence, introduced a theory of origins consistent with his atheism.
If evolution is true, man is just an accidental mixture of chemicals. And as such our perceived decision-making is just a complex series of biochemical reactions based on whatever environmental stimuli we encounter. Although we appear to be making what we describe as decisions, in reality the “decisions” would just be the result of random chemical interactions. If origin was impersonal matter no matter how much time passed, random acts occurred or mysterious unobservable natural processes took place, humans would just be a concentration of impersonal chemicals plus complexity.
Keep in mind that a belief in evolution precludes the belief that man was created in a better state than he is now and that some destructive intervening cause (rebellion) changed mankind into the destructive force it is today. The belief also eliminates the hope that man, as he is now, is abnormal and not the way he was created to be. Lastly, a belief in evolution eliminates the hope that the Creator, if He loves His creation, has the means and inclination to allow men to return to the state in which they were first created. This would discourage man from seeking his Creator.